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It always feels good when I’ve gotten past the halfway point in a painting.  My painting speed definitely picks up when I’m more finished, than not, and increases exponentially until it’s complete.  It’s funny, my paintings used to go so fast, and now it seems that my style and my methods have taught me to have a lot more patience.  It’s odd that I’ve even allowed myself to slow down on my work like this.  I’m such an impatient person, in general.  This patience thing, if I do say so myself, has all been for the better.

Echo XXIIIoil on panel


I’ve been toying with the idea of painting on canvas or linen.  Toying so much that I’m removing a window in my studio to extend a wall so I can set up my canvas there.  Why am I doing this?  Well, I LOVE my panels, I mean LOVE.  Painting on wood was a love I discovered one day when I was working in my studio in Baton Rouge.  I haven’t put a brush to canvas since maybe the late 90’s.  My hopes in moving back to a fabric surface is that this will help to alleviate the risk of damage and also make shipping a lot easier.  I’m keeping my fingers crossed that the surface will lend itself to my style and we will work well together.