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I received some good news yesterday.  A call came in from Melissa Morgan of Melissa Morgan Fine Art in Palm Desert, California.  She discussed her interest in representing me at her gallery.  Now, I had been thinking for a long time about representation in California. Los Angeles was an obvious choice of cities, for me, as I have a friend out there I can visit and it’s such a hopping metropolis.  But I hadn’t really done any research into the gallery scene there, so it was still just an idea floating around in my head.

Then I received an email about a week and a half ago from Melissa asking if I might be interested in showing in her gallery.  At that point I got on the computer and started checking things out.  The gallery looks beautiful and Ms. Morgan really seems to be a “go getter” type of person.  I was pretty impressed, so, taking the proverbial “leap of faith,” I accepted her offer and am getting to work on six new paintings to ship out to her.  I will keep you posted as to when those paintings will be shipping out.

You can find out more about Melissa Morgan Fine Art at www.melissamorganfineart.com