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A Very Busy Summer

My first post on my new blog.  Welcome to all of you who are reading this.  The name of my blog, Reflections, is about the purest way I can express how I paint.


Okay, a little about me.  I’m an artist, a wife, a mom, and a pretty happy person.  I live in Maryland, but my heart is in Louisiana where I grew up (in New Orleans) and went to college (in Baton Rouge at LSU).  The first time I met the man who would become my husband was on a trip to Paris back in 1990.  The next time was as an employee in his book store / coffee shop, Caliban’s, in Baton Rouge.  Phil has been so incredibly supportive of my artistic career and has stood behind me right from the get go.


It’s been 14 years now since I began developing my professional career and I’m happy to say I’m currently represented by four different galleries, Ann Connelly Fine Art in Baton Rouge, LA, Harris Gallery in Houston, TX, Duane Reed Gallery in St. Louis, MO, and Blue Gallery in Three Oaks, MI.


My latest series, “Echoes” is all about reflected light, and I mean, all about!  This series explores the beauty of light reflected off of water.  All of my work adresses the beauty of reflected light, but painting light reflecting off of a moving surface was something I had been thinking about for a long time.  Back in June of 2008 I decided to take the artistic “jump off the cliff” and create images that were completely different from what I had been painting and the Echo series was born.

Echo XX Oil on panel36″ x 48″